Thursday, September 17, 2009


im buring out from school and work. im only taking 3 classes but they are the most intest ive ever been in at once time. second week in and i skipped class this morning. who needs to learn about this Vicksomething psychology man anyways? i dont think im going to be doing this school thing again in the summer. i mean ill say that but i most definatly need the credits, if i want to try to do this on time ish. i just dont want to be past 22 and still be finishing. im not sure what this rush is, i mean i work and go to school with 30 year somethings every day. is it the fact i never want to become them? am i rushing threw my last chance at being able to be reckless and stupid. Once this is over what will i be able to say. i entered university when i was still 17 almost 18 years old and graduates when i was 22? i dont even know what i want to do with my life and im pursuing this. people say you just figure out what you are destined for, and when people of the older persuasion ask me what im going to do when i get out of school, i just tell them be happy. what if this is a waste and i wind up being one of those housewive mother types that goes back to school when shes 46 destined to be a social worker becuase he could never find her passion. im passionate about art, i just dont know what im doing ending my second year with a soc major sometimes. where can art get me? i dont spend enough time painting to do anything with it yet. its an expensive hobby.

ill figure it all out by the time this is over